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Our sponsors and event partners

(listed in alphabetical order)

Banker Sarazen Realty, Slavy

Slavy Panoff Logo

Slavy Panoff photo
Slavy Panoff
Sales Representative
Coldwell Banker Sarazen Realty
Office: 613.288.1999
Cell: 613.851.2187

Acupuncture Clinic

Eyes on Health

Ottawa Acupuncture Clinic Vajarov – Your Holistic Alternative!

Established in 1992, Vajarov Acupuncture Clinic is one of the most trusted acupuncture clinics in Ottawa.The founder of the acupuncture clinic, Krassimir Vajarov has practiced at both the Vajarov Acupuncture Clinic in Ottawa and the Eyes on Health Clinic in Gatineau. In addition to his principal activity as an acupuncturist, he promotes better health in Ottawa through the following interventions in which he has received intensive training: phytotherapy (herbal medicine), allergy elimination, reconnective healing (channeling the body’s natural energies), contact reflex analysis (analyzing physical and nutritional needs), and iridology (studying changes to the iris of the eye to detect changes in health patterns).

Janex Auto Sales, Savcho Zahariev

Janex Auto Sales

1470 Hunt Club Road, Ottawa, ON, K1T 1M6
Toll Free: 1-888-324-7307

Ottawa Flowers

Ottawa Flowers log

Ottawa Flowers Inc. offers a wide range of floral, wedding and event rental services. Our experience and client satisfaction record will assure your event will be a success. All our services are offered seven days a week. For more information, visit https://www.ottawaflowers.com/.

Ottawa Granite Pro

Ottawa Granite Pro Logo

Ottawa Granite Pro is a leader in granite, marble and quartz countertops.
We specialize in residential kitchen countertops, vanities, fireplaces, as well as commercial granite applications to suit any taste and budget.



Eva Aslanian
Conseillère en voyages sénior
Senior travel consultant


UNIGLOBE Voyages Lexus
1455 rue Peel, local 148 (Cours Mont-Royal)
Montréal, QC, H3A 1T5
Tél : (514) 861-3949
Tél : 1-800-764-4479
Tél : (514) 849-7711 x 132
Skype : evaaslanian