
BOD Policy for Unacceptable Behavior*

The definition of unacceptable behavior is the display of conduct, verbal comments directed at community members (a single person, a group, or the community at large), and/or written communication (shared via email or social media) that are inappropriate, demeaning, condescending, purposefully hurtful, and/or otherwise offensive, and that are meant to create an uncomfortable, hostile, and/or intimidating attitude or environment. In addition, defamation of character through libel (written defamation) or slander (spoken defamation) is also defined as unacceptable behavior.

Some of the actions that the BOD can undertake in the face of unacceptable behavior are:

  • Advise the individual that his/her behavior is unacceptable and that the BOD has a Policy for Unacceptable Behavior.
  • Advise the individual that the BOD reserves the right not to respond to verbal or written comments that fit the definition of unacceptable behavior.
  • Advise the individual that the BOD has the right to refuse community support to an individual who has demonstrated an unacceptable behavior (for example, financial support, discounts, membership, and other privileges available through the National Capital Region Bulgarian Community and Ottawa Region Bulgarian Foundation).

*Policy approved by BOD of the National Capital Region Bulgarian Community and Ottawa Region Bulgarian Foundation on April 20, 2019.